Sunday, December 27, 2020

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year...we sure hope so!

"Silver Linings"

We have a dear sweet friend who has used this phrase all year long as we've all encountered the struggles of 2020. I have appreciated her perspective so I've stolen her phrase and now we will highlight how we have been able to see the silver linings from this year.

As a family we have been blessed to stay healthy. We know many haven't been as fortunate so we especially are grateful for it this year. We pray daily for many of you who have been suffering from one thing or another and we have be a witness of many tender mercies and miracles.

We have been able to still enjoy several trips in spite of restrictions and these were very need/timely trips. They include a couple camping trips and a backyard camping trip at Grandma and Grandpa Wilkey's house, weekend trips to St. George to see Grandma Sally and visits to Grandpa Parley and Vicki, Sundance weekends, a fun trip to Florida with our friends the Page's, an RV trip to "Rount Mushmore" with our friends the Whitney's, a Hall Family Reunion in St. George, UT, a weekend trip to Goblin Valley and Capitol Reef, and other smaller activities that we have treasured like game nights, attending plays with friends at Hale Center Theater, skiing, sister's get away at Sundance, family shaving cream war, golfing, and extra family time.

Since the temple closed back in March, we have been blessed to be able to attend 2 sealings and 2 endowments. We are very grateful for these now rare opportunities to be in the Lord's house. Also, grateful Lauren got to go for her first times before they closed. We are also very grateful for our uninterrupted church services since we were able to worship from home. We know we have a Prophet who is speaks to us regularly from the Lord. We have learned so much this year about learning to "Hear Him", our Savior. Our love for the Book of Mormon has increased more this year than ever before. The teachings and applications are so relevant to our times and it has been a personal spiritual survival guide for us.

Blain  - You might have heard that Sundance was purchased this month, so we are seeing the silver linings there! This will be a good thing for the resort and we still have a job, all good things. He is serving as Bishop of our ward and somehow still finds time to make sure we are his first priority. He is a peacemaker and our home and family have been very blessed because of it. 

Heidi - (written by Blain!) Even though there were fewer activities for kids she stayed as busy as ever keeping our home happy and healthy as our amazing accountant, drivers ed teacher for Jack, listening ear for Addy and Blain and shuttle driver and evening book reader for Lauren and Lia. She's the most fit in the family working out at the gym religiously and most importantly sharing her faith and testimony with our family and friends.

Christian (24) and Monica (23 on Monday) - Maybe our biggest highlight of the year is that we now have another child...through marriage and we couldn't be more happy. Christian and Monica were married in September and are living here in Provo, UT so we get to see them a lot. Christian is still in his Mechanical Engineering program at BYU and Monica is a successful wedding videographer. 

Addy (17) - has chosen to graduate early from Timpview High School and she will be attending UVU in January. She has worked hard for this and we are so proud of her. She continues to take voice lessons and she has brightened many hearts with her singing. She enjoys organizing, yoga, and popcorn, but detests feet, pineapple, and the sound of people chewing.

Jack (15) - is growing up so fast, literally. He's grown 4 1/2" this year and another shoe size. He is also growing his hair out, much to his dad's dismay. He's doing other teenage boy things like getting his man voice and braces, but still handsome as ever. He passed his learners permit test on the first try and is very excited about driving. He loves to ski and goes regularly with friends.

Lauren (12) - loves big! She loves to help people, loves to dance and sing, loves to read (Fablehaven is her current love), loves to make others happy. For my birthday this year she wrote 365 things she loves about me for me to read each day. I don't even love 365 things about me! She graduated from 6th grade this Spring and started 7th grade at the Middle School. She is on the Hope Squad for the 4th year now. She got gypped this year for her 12 year old trip to NYC with mom and dad, but thankfully grandma Sally is taking her to Cancun next week.

Lia (8) - in March Lia chose to be baptized a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. She is a little engineer at heart and loves to create any and all things out of any and all things. As I am typing this she is making a Jolly Rancher vending machine out of cardboard. Lia fell from a swing while camping this Spring and broke her arm. It was a pretty bad break which required emergency surgery. The silver lining was making a list of over 20 blessings and miracles we had during the whole ordeal. 

Merry Christmas to all!!!